Give yourself a mental makeover.

public-domain-images-free-stock-photos-high-quality-resolution-downloads-public-domain-archive-8                                                                                                                                                                                             This week, I experienced something incredible. A friend of my defended her dissertation. After presenting her study to the committee, her chair walked out the room, and congratulated her.  As I sat through the process, I begin to think about the mental makeover; she experienced in order to complete the process. As individuals, we often focus on our flaws, by allows the flaws to keep us from moving forward into our purpose. We use phrases such as: I cannot, I am not qualified, and I lack education. This type of negative thinking limits our potential.
We must train our minds and use positive words. Instead of saying I cannot, we must tell ourselves I can. Instead of I will not, we must say I will. Our mental outlook affects our attitudes, regarding our success.  Therefore, I challenge everyone to give yourself a mental makeover by removing negativity and replacing it with positive reinforcements. We are essentially, what we eat. Therefore, push back the negative plate and eat something positive.

You are destined to win, go out and make it happen

Vision Road Sign with dramatic blue sky and clouds.
Vision Road Sign with dramatic blue sky and clouds.

Do you believe that time has passed you by, or your best days are behind you? Are you spending a lot of time talking about the good old days, allowing this excuse to keep you from moving forward? Well the truth of the matter is you still have time to achieve your goals. However, it all starts with how you view yourself.

First, stop focusing on the past and begin to focus on the future. Second, visualize yourself achieving your goals. Third, create a plan for winning and fourth expect to win.  When we change our attitude about life, our purpose and our abilities, we can expect to win.  Therefore, it is a perfect time, to start over and achieve your goals.  Set some new goals, create a new plan, and go out and make it happen.  Remember, you can achieve anything you want after believing in yourself.  Let go of the past and go out and win!!!